Have you seen dubbed cartoons which end up being a waste of time? Have you seen constant name and currency changes? Well then, this is the purpose of this series.
Let's start with Phineas and Ferb. First up, the theme song, with a literal translation of how the Portuguese one sounds like:
And school ends with them
But the greates problem that we all live together
Is knowing how to enjoy them
Let's go
Walking in space, fighting a mummy, you can go and climb the Eiffel Tower
Finding something that doesn't exist or let a monkey shine
Surfing tidal waces, creating nanobots, dissecate Frankenstein (It's here!)
Finding a dodo, painting a continent or make your sister scream (Phineas!)
How good to live, there's a lot to do, school is starting (Let's go, Perry)
Stay over there, because Phineas and Ferb wil try everything
Stay over there, because Phineas and Ferb wil try everything
Mom, Phineas and Ferb made the opening song!
Happy now? The references to the intro are incorrect. In "Canderemy" they say "genérico" and "dar um banho a um macaco" instead of "canção de abertura" and "por um macaco a brilhar".
Happy now? The references to the intro are incorrect. In "Canderemy" they say "genérico" and "dar um banho a um macaco" instead of "canção de abertura" and "por um macaco a brilhar".
Now, there are some irregularities that might be of note:
There's a lot of cultural translation involved, but do you know what's the name of the Tri-State Area? Toda Esta Área (All [of] This Area). In one of the early episodes they said "Toda Esta Zona" (All [of] This Zone).
There's a lot of cultural translation involved, but do you know what's the name of the Tri-State Area? Toda Esta Área (All [of] This Area). In one of the early episodes they said "Toda Esta Zona" (All [of] This Zone).
Eventually they dropped it altogether in recent episodes and decided to call it "Área dos Três Estados" or "Zona dos Três Estados", which means that the dub's quality has deproved.
Major Monogram had an exciting middle name on the Portuguese dub: Major José Maria Monograma. The dub was starting to deprove at Where's Perry?, where his middle name changed to the original: Major Francis Monograma.
Where's the creativity? Is it deproving like the show? The evil jingle, my friends. The evil jingle.
Listen to it at 00:56. The dubbed jingle means "Doofenshmirtz Society of Evil" (Doofenshmirtz Sociedade do Mal).
Unfortunately, the new jingle (which I can't find on the internet) and was used at the start of season 3 and eventually throughout season 4 has piss-awful singers.
Speaking of cultrual translation, Meap Me in St. Louis becomes "Meap em Arcos de Valdevez". Arcos de Valdevez is depicted as St. Louis.

That's it for the first episode. If you have anything to add about this dub, please write it in the comments.
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