Last Thursday, a conference was held on Lisbon's Hotel Fonte Nova about Cartoon Network Portugal's rapid success, six months after the switch from CN HQ. One of the problems solved by all TV providers was the English audio track (even though I prefer CN HQ more than that).
At the beginning of the conference, some good news for the channel: an increase in 500%, thus becoming the fourth most-watched kids channel in the country, six months after the channel's localization.
New shows have been confirmed: Clarence will premiere on CN PT in 2015 (why not September?), the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Teen Titans GO! (which CN HQ premiered in February).
Other things of note include the launch of an HD channel and a talent show for Portuguese audiences.
For a Portuguese version and some more images, click here.
ResponderEliminarI really appreciate the post based on my article on the blog Coisas da Interwebs! I'm happy to know that I'm able to contribute something.
In the meantime, your post has something wrong regarding the Star Wars and Teen Titans shows. They're not confirmed to return at this moment, but may be some time soon. CN knows that the Star Wars ended mid-season in December and expect to find a way to find a way to resume the series.
Also, any suggestions you may have for the channel, I'd recommend getting in touch with someone in the PR at Turner Entertainment International and let them know! They're always open to new ideas and are very willing to hear from their audience.
@Rick/DuToit: Many helloes to you. I don't watch CN that often for a few weeks, considering that I'm still devastated by the effects of the feed change (from CN HQ to CN PT). When such a thing happened, Portuguese children now had no way to watch cartoons in English on a channel that's not in Portuguese. It will probably return, because, IMO, the dubs are so bad... Finn, Gumball and Steven all sound girly and the Regular Show dub is a complete disaster: nothing compared to the original version and set in Portugal! (TAWOGB can fall into that category as well)
EliminarThey also made us stay without Boomerang. Here's a comment I found on some forums:
"So yeah, Boomerang is dead, here in Portugal, which makes me think that whoever manages every kids channel is anti-anglicist when it comes to animation in general, because other than "adult" shows that air on FOX, there's literally no animated series that isn't dubbed. Hell, even shows that were originally broadcasted in spanish like Doraemon are forced to get a portuguese dub.
A couple of friends of mine alread showed opinions of disgust and hate, because of how CN, not only was the kids' channel with the best series, but it also made kids of my time love to learn english.
Anyway, a month later and the new CN hasn't changed one bit. No new shows, chains of episodes of The Garfield Show and Johnny Test everyday, not to mention the depressingly bad dubs of the actual CN shows... it's like they just stoped caring about the channel."
A reply from Girla PurpleHeart:
"Oh wow AGSMA, that sucks to hear. This cancellation of Boomerang in Portugal makes me worried about Cartoon Network in the US getting rid of Boomerang. If that happens, then I'm going to punch someone who-is-in-charge-of-Cartoon-Network's face. How are they focusing dubbing over in Portugal is beyond me, because we do need more English speakers in the world, though I don't mind other languages."